EDITOR's FEEDBACK: Book Review The Portal by Malachi Mata June 25, 2018 action adventure book review DNF Editor's Feedback fantasy science fiction war +
BOOK REVIEW: The Kricket Series by Amy A. Bartol June 25, 2018 5 wing review book review five-wing review paranormal romance young adult +
EDITOR'S FEEDBACK Book Review (Un)Graceful Cat by B.A. Gabrielle June 21, 2018 book review DNF Editor's Feedback fantasy ghosts novella paranormal spirits +
BOOK REVIEW: River Rising by John Heldt June 11, 2018 5 wing review book review five-wing review historical romance time travel +
BOOK REVIEW - Empty Suitors by Mia Chediak June 08, 2018 3 wing review book review romance self discovery +