Arthurian legend reincarnated into the present day.
Merlin, Arthur, Gwen are all reborn to protect the world from Morgan and her Helaite followers. There is an underground faith and Ava is it's priestess sworn to find the reborn and help guide them towards preventing an age old war from being reborn along with them. They have access to a lost art of magic that throws you into a world where psychic abilities allow them to communicate through thoughts, sense what people are feeling, and even manipulate those feelings.

If legends, friendship, and sorcery are your thing then this book checks all those boxes.

I swept through the first half of this book pretty quick, it's easy to read, and well written. At around 59% it came to a lull for me personally, as I found the scenarios, and the way the plot progressed to be too youthful for me. The characters themselves are adults, and there are adult situations that happen in this book, but the reading became much too tedious for me after the first half of the book. It seemed like everything was repeated and explained, and the I lost my desire to find out what happens, because I felt like I already knew. Which, for a younger reader (though I should warn this book does have sex, so not too young of a reader) or someone who likes the lore and legend of the book they would enjoy this style a lot, I however tried to continue to read this book many times only to put it down after a few pages each time. It took me two days to read the first 50%, it was a very good start, but it lost me in the middle, and tried as I might I could not finish reading the book.

This book ends with a DNF for me, as soon as a book is picked up several times and the only thing keeping me reading it is my desire to pay it forward with a review for them I have to admit that the book isn't for me, and should be left for another to give it some much needed love. I was not the right audience for the material.

The author is a great writer, so I would not check them off my list of potential reads in the future, I did read through the first 50% very quickly and enjoyed it, so I'll keep an eye out for future books that might be more my style.

Until next time!
