Free Flash Fiction - A Moment

What is FreeFlashFiction?

An opportunity to submit your story of 200 to 1000 words for publication credit.

Do you get paid? Well no, but that's not what writing is about all the time. You have to give a little to gain a lot. It's about publicity, getting your name out there, and the gratification of knowing that an editor decided to publish your work instead of anything else flung into their slush pile.

What do you need?

  • A flash fiction story that you're willing to part with
  • A catchy title
  • An awesome sauce author bi-line
  • And of course a cover letter

Be sure you understand what you are signing up for when you click that submit button!

  • You are agreeing that your work is not published... that includes having it posted on your blog.
  •  Free Flash Fiction has electronic rights for the life of the company. So basically, as long as the website exists, so too are they allowed to post your story, which is awesome because that is good publicity for you. Remember the agreement is for electronic, they are not allowed to print your story without permission. So if they decided in the future to have print form they would have to contact you for those rights.
  •  They also have the right to remove your story from their site whenever they choose, which is sad, but that's just they way of the interwebs. In with the new, out with the old.

  • Free Flash Fiction also has the right to publish your story in an electronic anthology which would be distributed on kindle, nook, itunes, ect, where-ever. Which is also awesome, because that is more exposure for you!
  • Also remember that they have exclusive rights to your story for 1 year. After which you are welcome to post it on your blog or resubmit your work to any publications that accept reprint rights.

Now that we've discussed the Free Flash Fiction and what it's all about, time for KUDOS!

That's right, my story A Moment is published

Site Category: Fantasy/Sci-Fi
What I consider the Category: Young Adult Paranormal Romance 

It is a cut scene from a work in progress novel, Heaven Help Me, you can view the synopsis and progress in the "Projects" Tab at the top
or click the link Heaven Help Me
Feel free to check it out and comments are SUPER loved!
Click the title A Moment or The Initiation or order to read the stories for FREE!


I'm not the only one published with Free Flash Fiction, I'd like to take this opportunity to also give KUDOS to my interwebs pal and writerly supporter @LEJamez

That's right, her story The Initiation is published as well!

You can check out her awesome blog post about this on her website OfficeMango

So go ahead and check out the stories
Perhaps submit your own story for publication

Please let me know whether you too get published here and what your thoughts are on Free Flash Fiction. I'd love to know about your experiences as well. 

@TheGlitterLady Mongering Off
